Saturday, September 19, 2015

Irregular Driving — Live-Tweeted Mystery "The Golden Parachute" Continues

Here are Week 139 @Twitstery tweets of The Golden Parachute, the amazing new sequel to Executive Severance!


"WHY ARE YOU STOPPING AGAIN?" "You're still shouting. I'm still solving this Twitter problem." "TWITTER'S NOT WHAT'S IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!"

Regi says "Arkaby, if you have no WIFI, how are you tweeting?" "That's the Twitter problem I'm trying to solve." "Hmm. Why don't I drive?"

Regi climbs on my lap. She says "Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" I show her the cell phone in my hand.

Through gritted teeth I say "You're on my keys." Giggling, Regi replies "Your keys are in the ignition." "So they are." Granger says "Ahem!"

"I'm still back here." I shift over to the passenger seat. Regi smiles at me, leans back to pat her father's arm and puts the car in gear.

I've GOT to restore WIFI before we get to Body Parts R Us. If the paradigm has shifted, my Twitter feed may be the only link to our reality!

It's all up to me. If I don't restore my Twitter feed before we get to Body Parts R Us, who knows what era of history we'll step out into?

Still no signal! Time is of the essence or who knows what time it will be! Regi slides the car into a empty spot "We're here!” Times up!

"I still can't get WIFI. Drive around." "You have no signal?" "None." "Did you check if you're in Airplane Mode?" "Don’t be redic…Umm."

Opps! I tap my phone and the WIFI icon lights up. All my stored tweets pour out onto the Internet. Regi smiles and hands me my car keys.

"That could happen to anyone." "Uh huh. We weren't flying." "Let's get your father inside." We turn to the backseat. Willum Granger is gone!

Before we react to his disappearance my phone rings. "Hello?" "This is Granger. Have you two sorted out your phone service? I'm in my lab."

"You can't go in there alone!" "I can and I did." Regi takes the phone "Dad! Your life is in danger! Uncle Farley was killed in there!"

As we rush toward the entrance I say "Why did you leave?" "I got bored. You spend too much time on Twitter." "Don't go near the Safe Room!"

We enter the circular hallway girdling the Body Parts R Us complex. Stretching off everywhere right and left are signs of reconstruction.

"Which way to your father's lab?' Regi looks right and left and says "I don't know. This is completely different from last time I was here."

"Since yesterday?" "Yes." "It's changed that much?" "Yes." From my phone Granger says "I'm still here. Go right." "My right or your right?"

Granger doesn't reply at first. "How would you know which is my right way?" "You're the one directing. Do you know the right way or not?"

"I know your right way. I don't know if you know my right way." "I don’t. That's why I'm asking." I don't either." "Don't what?" "Know."

After a moment I sort that out. "What don't you know?" "I don't know if you know my right from my left." "Then why are you wasting my time?”

The Twitter Mystery continues daily at @Twitstery

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