Sunday, September 27, 2015

Circling the Square — Live-Tweeted Mystery "The Golden Parachute" Continues

Here are Week 140 @Twitstery tweets of The Golden Parachute, the amazing new sequel to Executive Severance!

Regi says "Give me the phone! Dad don't go in Farley's Safe Room!" "Don't worry. I designed every inch of that Safe Room. It can't hurt me."

"Dad things have changed!" Still on the phone, Regi takes off down the corridor. "Something sprinkled Uncle Farley spray all over the room!"

I hear the tears in Regi's voice "I haven't had a chance to say how much it means to discover you're still alive and how much I love you!"

"I want to see you again! I want you to make up for the father/daughter moments missed because you were too busy being a scientist/tycoon!"

Should I mention to Regi that she sounds a little passive/aggressive? Before I can she cries "Don't get vaporized! Dad! Dad? He hung up!"

Running at full speed down the circular hallway, we pass the Concierge who once again is out jogging. He shouts 'Miss Granger! Mr. Arkaby!"

He's not at all out of breath as he trots beside us. He says "Well, I didn't expect you back so soon." "Granger's back!" "I can see that."

"Not Regi Granger, Willum Granger!" "What Willum?" "Yes!" "Willum Granger?" "YES!" "That's impossible! He was cut in half!" "Not exactly!"

"He wasn't cut exactly in half?" "He wasn't cut in half at all." "Willum Granger is alive and whole?" "For the moment." Regi cries "Arkaby!"

We stop at the entrance to the Safe Room which is still sealed with police tape. The Concierge says "What do you mean 'For the moment?'"

"As long as we don't know who killed Farley Granger, or why, we can assume they will go after Willum Granger when they find out he's alive."

"Why would they do that?" "We don't know." Regi says "Dad will be OK as long as the killer doesn't check your Twitter feed." "Exactly."

"What if the killer does follow you?" "Good idea!" "Huh?" "Attention Farley Granger killer! Turn yourself in now and we'll go easy on you!"

"Now we wait." Regi says "That's not what I meant. My father is in danger right now!" "You don't think a tweet is a sufficient deterrent?”

"NO! We must take immediate action!" "Hm. You may be right. Why don’t you get your father on the phone again?" "He's still not answering."

"Concierge, which way to my father's lab?" He says "You don't know?" "Everything's different from last time I was here." "Since yesterday?"

"Yes." The Concierge looks right and left. Regi says "You don't know either?" "Why do you think I'm always running around the corridor?"

When first I saw the Concierge circling the Body Parts R Us hallway I thought of a scene from '2001 A Space Odyssey'

With the '2001' Jupiter ship in mind I consider anew the BP R U corridors circling Farley's deadly Safe Room. Whose purpose do they serve?

"Concierge have these halls always been perfectly circular?" "No. They used to be squared. When I jogged I had to slow down at the corners."

"Who ordered the change?" "I don't know." "Aren't you in charge of the business side of Body Parts R Us?" "ME? I'm just the Concierge."

The Twitter Mystery continues daily at @Twitstery

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